Letters To Mum #1

Hey Mum, So this isn’t weird at all right? Writing to your dead mother and sharing it for the world to see? I mean, I could just sit here talking to your ashes that are sitting on the shelf in the original cardboard box, wrapped in an M&S bag, in the wicker basket with theContinueContinue reading “Letters To Mum #1”

How Do We Know When It’s Time To Step Back Or To Go All In?

  One afternoon while standing on the shoreline, watching the waves and playing mental ping pong about life, as one does, I misjudged the tide and my feet and pants got a good soaking. I had to laugh at the irony; here I was trying to work out what the right move would be andContinueContinue reading “How Do We Know When It’s Time To Step Back Or To Go All In?”

Trying Times: The Pregnancy Test

Why is it, that when you are on your way home with a pregnancy test, the second you reach the front door your bladder stops connecting with your brain? You just managed the 10 minute trip home aware that now would be a good time, but suddenly an extra 30 seconds is asking too much?ContinueContinue reading “Trying Times: The Pregnancy Test”

Book Club: The Latest Releases and Awesome Reads You Won’t Want To Miss

It is standard practice among our group to have multiple books on the go at once. Some we are re-reading, others have been recommended, more still are on our ‘to read’ list. Here are a few that we thought you might enjoy too. We’d love to know what you’re reading at the moment? THE MUSEUM OFContinueContinue reading “Book Club: The Latest Releases and Awesome Reads You Won’t Want To Miss”

The Wake-up Call – How Sleep Saved My Life

It was the middle of the afternoon, I hadn’t slept for more than thirty minutes at a time in days, barely much more in weeks. I was on the floor, tears making steady, salty tracks down my face, pleading with whoever was watching over us to make it stop, to help my baby sleep or to somehow magically spiritContinueContinue reading “The Wake-up Call – How Sleep Saved My Life”